February 3, 2018

Submit an Article

The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute welcomes the submission of papers on any branch of anthropology. Further guidance on the aims and scope of the journal can be found here. Further advice for authors is available via our Author Guidelines.

We are unable to give feedback on pre-submission manuscripts. However we are happy to give general guidance if you are uncertain whether a piece would be suitable for the journal. Please contact the Editorial Assistant in the first instance who can direct you to the most suitable editor.

How to submit

Articles should be submitted electronically via Editorial Manager, where instructions will be found to guide authors through the submission process.

Shorter notes, correspondence, and comment should be emailed to jrai@therai.org.uk . Book reviews and review essays should be directed to the Reviews Editor at publications@therai.org.uk.

Articles for the Special Issue should be submitted directly via email to Honor Gitsham, the RAI’s Publications Officer, at hgitsham@therai.org.uk.